Vaccini e vaccinosi

Continuando con la presa di posizione di veterinari ecco a voi la dottoressa Ward. Austin, TX (USA).

E’ un fatto che  problemi indotti dalle vaccinazioni siano riconosciuti ufficialmente. Nonostante ciò, l’inerzia, i guadagni, comportano la vaccinazione a tappeto.

Nel movimento barefoot, a monte di tutte le divisioni, la concordia sulla necessità di almeno una più consapevole vaccinazione è totale. La relazione tra laminite e farmaci, vaccini, antielmintici, uso sconsiderato di integratori e granaglie è nota.

Non aggiungerei inutilmente un fattore a quelli che già litigano con il cavallo. Limitazione del movimento, alimentazione ricca e sbilanciata, magari ancora la ferratura.

L’articoletto seguente è uno dei tanti. E’ scritto da un veterinario che riporta fatti registrati, non opinioni. Nel panorama avvilente della mercificazione ed ignoranza che affliggono il settore è qualche cosa di buono.

Non vaccinerei il cavallo solo perchè è arrivata la primavera. Spenderei meglio i miei soldi.

Problems with vaccinations

by Madalyn Ward, DVM

I was taught in Veterinary school that vaccinations could do no harm and were very effective in preventing disease. For the first ten years of my practice, I encouraged owners to vaccinate for encephalomyelitis, tetanus and rabies once a year and influenza and rhinopneumonitis twice a year. Pregnant mares were vaccinated for rhino at 5, 7, and 9 months of pregnancy. I never saw a case of encephalomyelitis, tetanus or rabies and I believe the incidence of full blown cases of flu and rhino were decreased in vaccinated horses. However, I was kept very busy treating colic, laminitis, sick foals and chronic respiratory infections. Around 1990 I read my first article suggesting vaccinations could have some negative effects on horse’s health. My initial reaction was one of disbelief and anger at even the suggestion. Once this seed was planted, however, I could no longer deny that vaccinations often did aggravate symptoms in some chronically ill horses.

At this time my roommate and I had 20 horses and after some soul searching, we elected to skip their annual boosters. To our amazement not only did the horses stay healthy, but their health actually improved. Several of these horses had a tendency to colic and they colicked less frequently or not at all. Two horses had chronic laminitis and both of these improved steadily and one was even able to go back into training. Several of the horses did contract a respiratory infection at a local show, but other vaccinated horses at other barns in the area were also affected. Hair coat, hooves and feed efficiency also improved.

About one year after our decision to skip vaccinations, we had an encephalomyelitis scare so we boostered all horses with eastern and western encephalomyelitis and tetanus. Within 30 days, both foundered horses relapsed and our colic incidence was back up. This experience made a believer out of me and from that point on, I advised my clients to tailor their vaccination programs to individual needs and to cease vaccinating any horse with a chronic illness. After 4 years of less vaccination and drug use I noticed fewer laminitis cases, milder and fewer colics and overall healthier patients. Vaccinations can overwhelm the immune system especially if it is weakened already by chronic disease. In healthy individuals excessive vaccination can actually create a disease state called vaccinosis. Symptoms of vaccinosis can vary greatly but include dry hair coat, weak hooves, skin eruptions, sarcoids and warts.

There is much we need to learn about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. Drug companies do not test vaccines to see how long they are effective. so checking titers on horses may be a way to avoid annual vaccinations. Vaccination programs should be geared to fit each individual situation.

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato in Letture il da .

Informazioni su Franco Belmonte

Born 1952. Degree in Biological Sciences University of Genova, Italy. Researcher, CNR of Italy 1977-'80 (neurochemistry) then various task related to biology till now. Active Member and Certified Trimmer of the American Hoof Association. Didactic activity: equine podiatry and nutrition. Area of interest: evolution and physiology. Airline pilot and flight instructor for living 1981-2002.