Da Darolyn Butler riceviamo e pubblichiamo volentieri questo articolo che mette l’accento sulla progressione necessaria nell’allenamento del cavallo e sullo zoccolo quale indicatore della condizione. Una lettura utile a tutti sia che passeggi o che pratichi l’endurance.
I made a very bold statement quite recently. I suppose I was feeling super confident because things have been going extremely well with our barefoot endurance horses. Our best horse, Perseverance Jedi, continues to improve and get faster and faster, and now that he has got up to National Team level, that is very gratifying. However Jedi is sitting at the top of a pyramid, a very broad pyramid of horses we have bred and raised with every intention of competing them entirely barefoot. And every indication is that they are going to be much better that Jedi. They are coming through the levels and running in his slipstream.