
www.easycareinc.com. Alla pagina EDUCATION (history & education) del sito trovate articoli di veterinari, maniscalchi, testimonials. tutto il sito è dedicato alla protezione del piede del cavallo tramite scarpette.

Alla sezione Letture qui nel sito vi consigliamo di leggere l’articolo scarpette e solette per una introduzione in lingua italiana.

L’elenco di articoli che segue e che vi segnaliamo, sono propedeutici. Il primo, The unfettered foot, è tradotto in lingua italiana nella sezione Letture.

L’ultimo (look at those hooves!) è un manualetto sul pareggio scritto semplicemente. La tecnica è efficacemente adattabile a zoccoli di cavalli in ordine e sani che hanno ormai riacquistato grazie ad intervento professionale forme, consistenza e pendenze naturali. una validissima introduzione che sottintende però capacità manuale acquisita, magari in altri campi di applicazione. Il lavoro su legno, è propedeutico e necessario.

Molti articoli di T.Teskey sono disponibili in lingua italiana sul sito di alexbrollo che trovate nella sezione Link.

Dr. Tomas Teskey DVM – The Unfettered Foot: a paradigm change for equine podiatry

The present day paradigm of equine hoof care fails to both define and solve some of the most common health problems seen in the equine industry… (read more)

Dr. Tomas Teskey DVM – Breaking Traditions:

A Veterinary Medical and Ethical Perspective On the Modern Day Use of Horseshoes

Twenty-three centuries ago, in The Art of Horsemanship, Xenophon stated, “The same care which is given to the horse’s food and exercise, to make his body grow strong, should also be devoted to keeping his feet in condition.” This is as true today as it was thousands of years ago.… (read more)

Dr. Tomas Teskey DVM – Hoof Care Through the Ages

Equine hoof care has traditionally been the specialty of the village blacksmith, who’s talents evolved in to a special field of farrier science. The first veterinarians were farriers–they were close to the horses under their care, and it was a natural extension of their abilities to care for the horses’ medical problems as well as their feet… (read more)

Dr. Tomas Teskey DVM – “Look at those Hooves!” Trim Manual

Whether you enjoy horses as they roam around the yard, depend on them for getting your work done, or engage in competitive sports, keeping up with the latest in health advancements will help you enjoy them for more productive years… (read more)

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Informazioni su Franco Belmonte

Born 1952. Degree in Biological Sciences University of Genova, Italy. Researcher, CNR of Italy 1977-'80 (neurochemistry) then various task related to biology till now. Active Member and Certified Trimmer of the American Hoof Association. Didactic activity: equine podiatry and nutrition. Area of interest: evolution and physiology. Airline pilot and flight instructor for living 1981-2002.